Author: lizyPage 2 of 10
THE SPIRIT RETURNS. It seems this song is hitting a nerve right now. It’s good to see a black metal project blowing up like that. No wonder, the…
Because you deserve it. Not convincing enough? Maybe Nat can get you into cooking, or at least make you laugh today. ∎ #natswhatireckon | ad | annonse |…
Zur Abwechslung mal ein stimmiges Filmporträt über autistische Menschen. Als 20-minütiger Beitrag von Arte TV mit dem Titel: “Psycho – Ich, autistisch” Video bei Arte ansehen.
A norwegian painter of the romantic era is influencing modern day musicians, and their songs are raising thoughts in other peoples minds. A continuous back and forth of…
That’s how I usually recharge my energy. Going for walks outdoors or sitting in my room to meditate. I don’t go outside to meditate … maybe I should?