Author: lizyPage 6 of 10

Back to normal. Back to thrift shopping.

I think, current systems are failing us. Isn´t it obvious, that we are not capable of finding good solutions that are beneficial for everyone within these obsolete structures?…

userinterface 2015 – 2016

“Das muss klar und eindeutig werden.” war die Vorgabe für dieses 4-monatige Projekt zur Optimierung von ServerSentinel – einem Tool für regelbasiertes Server- und Netzwerk-Monitoring. In Zusammenarbeit mit…

Researching about my ancestors.

It´s not 100% clear, if the people in those old confirmation pictures are my great grandparents, but the faces lookvery familiar. Especially Martha´s features are recognizable over generations….

replace it with lactobacillus and coconut 8719324144025

You are not allowed to call it yogurt, if it is made of plants. Law can look very stupid, when it is protecting the established dairy industry against…

Scramble that tofu.

You need only six ingredients. One pack of firm, crumbly tofu around 200 g, two scallions aka green onion. And a teaspoon each of coconut oil, turmeric plus…

replace it with a firm block of tofu 4316268520997

Some people say that pure soy beans are hard to digest, and you should choose a processed form in order to get access to that rich plant protein…

avocado without toast

A perfectly ripe avocado, a tiny clove of garlic cut into tiny pieces, juice of half a lemon and a pinch of salt. Squish all this together in…

always add some crushed flaxseed

Crushed – that´s important in this case. The seeds have to be crushed and broken up to provide access to the nutrients and healthy fats. You could use…

Neulich in der Kunstausstellung. Ein kurzer Dialog.

Der Künstler begrüßt einen Ausstellungsbesucher: Hi. Hallo. Besucher: Hi, bist du der Maler? Erzähl mir etwas über dieses Bild. Warum hast du es denn so gemalt? Künstler: Besser…

tomato pie with nigella sativa

For the last weeks I tried to make the perfect – plants only – pizza and tested a lot of cheese substitues. All of them failed. Finally ……

upgrade to nigella sativa

I have switched out the black peppercorns in my little spice grinder for this black seeds. To enrich the flavor of a tomato pie for example. I freshly…

web design 1997

Back in 1997 – when Netscape was a common browser and the navigation bar on the left was the standard solution for navigating an extensive web side. What…

an optional source for tapioca powder and rice flour

I use tapioca powder and rice flour to make a flour blend for a glutenfree pizza dough recipe. Markets for Asian groceries can be a great option to…

The benefits of white noise and ice sounds.

Sometimes I just need to cancel out the noisy world around me. If you have to concentrate during work, it can help to put on the headphones and…

I can make this work.

Growing up poor is usually seen as a disadvantage. What if, it is not entirely bad? You need to find a way to get out of those painful…