Category: BEINGPage 2 of 4

raw, authentic and sloppy

Does it have to stay this way? For the christmas trees?

I am a minimalist, so I don´t do decoration. I am not a part of any religion, so I don´t do holiday stuff. But that doesn´t mean I…

No cake for me, thanks. Of course … the plant person is bringing fuits to the gathering. A platter with a variety of fruits is deliciously looking and prepared in a minimal amount of time.

My first time.

Celebrating first times is necessary, if you are focused on progress. Today, 25th November in 2021, was my premiere behind a drum kit. I am stoked. Yes. Yes….

I am autistic and I suck at math.

Is that a contradiction? There is this myth that every autistic person, has to be in love with math and numbers. I strongly disagree. I think, this perception…

visual tool

Since I know my brain works great with pictures, creating visual tools have been very helpful. Just a simple structure for a new project. Seminar in 3 modules…

Two dahlias. A bit weathered, but in a strong dark red color. Picked at the farm nearby.

upgrade to a gentle laundry detergent

Do you have sensitive skin? Struggeling with a rash? It might be a good idea to check the ingredients of your laundry detergent. Most of the popular brands…

Back to normal. Back to thrift shopping.

I think, current systems are failing us. Isn´t it obvious, that we are not capable of finding good solutions that are beneficial for everyone within these obsolete structures?…

Researching about my ancestors.

It´s not 100% clear, if the people in those old confirmation pictures are my great grandparents, but the faces lookvery familiar. Especially Martha´s features are recognizable over generations….

Neulich in der Kunstausstellung. Ein kurzer Dialog.

Der Künstler begrüßt einen Ausstellungsbesucher: Hi. Hallo. Besucher: Hi, bist du der Maler? Erzähl mir etwas über dieses Bild. Warum hast du es denn so gemalt? Künstler: Besser…

The benefits of white noise and ice sounds.

Sometimes I just need to cancel out the noisy world around me. If you have to concentrate during work, it can help to put on the headphones and…

I can make this work.

Growing up poor is usually seen as a disadvantage. What if, it is not entirely bad? You need to find a way to get out of those painful…

Inspired by … Harold and Maude

It´s the emotional time of the month. Yes, I know I should stop oversharing, especially details about my female cycle. Isn´t there this internet rule, that you are…

It´s late autumn. Grapes are in season. I am eating grapes. Poetry.

Just cut and eat: summer salad.

Half a cucumber, a big tomato, a small red onion, green olives – all cut into similar size particles. No dressing is necessary in this case, but you…