Category: BEINGPage 2 of 4
raw, authentic and sloppy
Celebrating first times is necessary, if you are focused on progress. Today, 25th November in 2021, was my premiere behind a drum kit. I am stoked. Yes. Yes….
Der Künstler begrüßt einen Ausstellungsbesucher: Hi. Hallo. Besucher: Hi, bist du der Maler? Erzähl mir etwas über dieses Bild. Warum hast du es denn so gemalt? Künstler: Besser…
Sometimes I just need to cancel out the noisy world around me. If you have to concentrate during work, it can help to put on the headphones and…
It´s the emotional time of the month. Yes, I know I should stop oversharing, especially details about my female cycle. Isn´t there this internet rule, that you are…