Category: BEINGPage 3 of 4

raw, authentic and sloppy

so easy and sooooo good

Fill a big bowl with freshly cooked and still warm basmati rice. Mix in chopped tomato and avocado. Eat.

It´s really fine. I am fine. Peas are fine.

Usually, I am pretty good at pretending to be all right. But you are probably sensing, that life is NOT FINE right now. I am a tough little…

ground level

It is unlikely that someone is tearing down a house to build the exact same again. You are not going to build a duplicate. There will be improvements….

What do you need?

This question always hits me hard. I am not used to it. No one ever asked me this, when I was I child. I had to adapt to…

Give me the big hammer.

I am busy assembling furniture and this foto is proof. It´s kind of telling. Because who would be interested in taking pictures of a few random tools? Me,…

Routines are essential.

A rigorous system is necessary to provide a sense of security and to keep my chaos at bay. If I am too loose with my routines everything slides:…

apple juice meditation

Being still and meditating is somehow different if you do it in yoga class. Shavasana is my favorite position. Joke. Meditation seems so boring and not very appealing…

There are only two states:

Highly obsessive or not interested at all.

Please, don´t buy me gifts.

It´s christmas time again. I am not celebrating, I am not decorating and I am not giving gifts. These are a few green branches that I found outside…


Let’s assume you are trying to purchase new a car. You have different offers from a number of dealers, and now you have to decide which one to…

Why are you painting?

It´s something I discovered when I was very little. In this photos you can witness me, exploring how magical it is to work with pen and paper. I…

artist and autist

In my mind, those two things don´t go well together. I mean in terms of business – isn´t that a double disqualification. First, being an artist already means…

Why do you like black?

Because it is a bold statement. You wanna know how I think about the color black? It´s sharp and sensual. [ Warum magst du Schwarz? Weil es ein…

I don´t need that sh*t

No drugs: I have never been interested in taking anything and I am too scared of a glitch effect. My brain is naturally messed up enough. No TV:…

about running …

… or the solar plexus as the center of momentum. A few weeks ago I started running again and it feels great. Lots of fresh air and birds…