Category: BEINGPage 3 of 4
raw, authentic and sloppy
This question always hits me hard. I am not used to it. No one ever asked me this, when I was I child. I had to adapt to…
A rigorous system is necessary to provide a sense of security and to keep my chaos at bay. If I am too loose with my routines everything slides:…
Let’s assume you are trying to purchase new a car. You have different offers from a number of dealers, and now you have to decide which one to…
In my mind, those two things don´t go well together. I mean in terms of business – isn´t that a double disqualification. First, being an artist already means…
Because it is a bold statement. You wanna know how I think about the color black? It´s sharp and sensual. [ Warum magst du Schwarz? Weil es ein…
No drugs: I have never been interested in taking anything and I am too scared of a glitch effect. My brain is naturally messed up enough. No TV:…
… or the solar plexus as the center of momentum. A few weeks ago I started running again and it feels great. Lots of fresh air and birds…