Category: BEINGPage 5 of 9
raw, authentic and sloppy
Half a cucumber, a big tomato, a small red onion, green olives – all cut into similar size particles. No dressing is necessary in this case, but you…
Angry about the past. Overwhelmed by the present. Scared and a bit exited about the future.
Let it happen! Stop trying to command the mysteries of life. Let it flow naturally. Neither force, nor control. Your life is going to enfold in ways that…
Energy chaser. Going after all the pure vibes in nature. And some fresh air. [Frischluft, gute Energie – das gibt es draußen in der Natur. Und davon reichlich.]…
high-functioning autism – partially compensated [ hochfunktionaler Autismus – in teilkompensierter Ausprägung ]
Fill a big bowl with freshly cooked and still warm basmati rice. Mix in chopped tomato and avocado. Eat.
As you are getting older, you are going to be exposed to two major opinions about time. The first one is a lethargic voice, that will keep you…
In front of bathroom tiles in my first appartment. I was taking selfies long before it was mainstream.
This is interesting to observe: doubt and importance are somehow connected. You never doubt something, that is insignificant. The feeling of doubt increases the more important a project,…
Usually, I am pretty good at pretending to be all right. But you are probably sensing, that life is NOT FINE right now. I am a tough little…
It´s easy to get wrapped in apathy, because a situation looks hopeless and getting up doesn´t seem to make any sense. It´s easy to get trapped in anger,…
Efficiency. I can save a lot of time if I´m eating the same thing every day. Plus it provides this sweet, comfortable feeling that only a well established…
I don´t have a TV. I don´t read the newspapers. Some might think I am not informed. Well, I am aware of the current situation and choose my…
For me, being autistic doesn’t mean I am disabled. My nervous system is just working differently – meandering all over the place and laser focused at the same…
You can just sit there and wait till the crisis is over. Till everything is back to normal, which is not going to happen anyway. Pause, do nothing…