Category: COOKINGPage 4 of 4

vegan and glutenfree recipes

It´s late autumn. Grapes are in season. I am eating grapes. Poetry.

replace it with creamy coconut 4013200883324

Creamy coconut is an option if you are looking for a substitute for traditional cream. Make a sauce with it, add it to a soup or iced coffee…

Just cut and eat: summer salad.

Half a cucumber, a big tomato, a small red onion, green olives – all cut into similar size particles. No dressing is necessary in this case, but you…

replace it with smoked paprika 4260435775249

If you want to add some smoked taste to a dish, you would usually put bacon or smoked sausages into your stew, for example. But you can easily…

replace it with spreadable fat

This is a proper substitute for butter, and I was surprised that this brand really tastes like that buttery on warm toasted bread. But don´t tell anyone, and…

so easy and sooooo good

Fill a big bowl with freshly cooked and still warm basmati rice. Mix in chopped tomato and avocado. Eat.

upgrade to black tea 4032489010108

A cup of coffee is a morning ritual for many people, but I can´t participate. Caffeine is messing with my nervous system and pushes it towards jittery extremes….

replace it with marzipan chocolate 4000417025005

You can’t have sweets, if you eat vegan and glutenfree – that’s a common myth. It’s not true, you just have to dig deeper and read the fine…

apple juice meditation

Being still and meditating is somehow different if you do it in yoga class. Shavasana is my favorite position. Joke. Meditation seems so boring and not very appealing…

unechte Paella

Ein schnelles Reisgericht aus einem Topf. Inspiriert vom Original aus Spanien, aber im Endresultat gänzlich un-spanisch. Denn diese Variante ist ohne Fleisch oder Fisch und kommt mit weniger…

Blaukraut oder Rotkohl

Rotkohl, Walnüsse, Apfel, Olivenöl, Rotwein-Essig, Gelee aus schwarzer Johannisbeere, Chilly-Flakes und etwas Salz.

Eating homemade popcorn, straight from the pot.

Selbstgemachtes Popcorn, direkt aus dem Topf. Schnell gemacht und schnell gegessen.

Spaghetti – no need for meat

At the weekend I have enough time for cooking proper meals and testing new recipes. [ Kochen und neue Rezepte ausprobieren – dafür habe ich leider nur am…