Category: OBSESSINGPage 1 of 2
inspired by music, books, movies
It’s no wonder I am imprinted by this extra-terrestrial soundtrack. I did not count how many times I have seen the movie Moon, directed by Duncan Jones. At…
The term › electro-tango ‹ is often used to categorize their music, as it combines the rythm and – of course the passion – of tango with the…
There is this clash of her rich voice and raw talent, which makes this timeless masterpiece so compelling. It’s like passing an accident while on the road: you…
A classic piece of music that never gets old. At the time this record was released, my access to music was very limited. The world wide web didn’t…
THE SPIRIT RETURNS. It seems this song is hitting a nerve right now. It’s good to see a black metal project blowing up like that. No wonder, the…
Because you deserve it. Not convincing enough? Maybe Nat can get you into cooking, or at least make you laugh today. ∎ #natswhatireckon | ad | annonse |…
A norwegian painter of the romantic era is influencing modern day musicians, and their songs are raising thoughts in other peoples minds. A continuous back and forth of…
It took me a while to find this gem. I was looking for a podcast like this, because my goal is to get better in understanding norwegian, I…
Hell, yes! If a song works as a low-res version in 8-bit midi … is that proof enough that it is an amazing piece of music? The album…
No stereotypes here. They are exceptional, they are pungent in a good that way. It starts with the name of this Finnish band, which I would translate to…
A delicate cover of a classic milestone of the black metal genre. Her fragile aesthetic and ambience is a nice touch and the complete opposite approach than the…
Well, I did it. 100% right for all the answers. That’s what I am good at: stuffing technical terms and abbreviations like TF, URL, KD, HTML, IDF, SERP,…
In the headline, I am quoting a line of the song ›Mercury: Retrograde‹ by Ghostemane. If I were sarcastic, I could use the word cheerful to describe the…
It´s the emotional time of the month. Yes, I know I should stop oversharing, especially details about my female cycle. Isn´t there this internet rule, that you are…
“Breathe! This is the world. It’s not working. This is this earth.” It´s sad, that this song is so relevant – then and now. Does nothing ever change?…