Category: OBSESSINGPage 2 of 2

inspired by music, books, movies

Inspired by … 12 Monkeys

Seemed to be appropriate to watch during an ongoing virus pandemic. 12 Monkeys | Terry Gilliam | 1995 | inspired by Chris Marker’s 1962 short film La Jetée…

Sich selbst belohnen.

[ Mit extravagantem Parfum zum Beispiel. ] Rewarding myself with samples of fancy parfum. GYPSY WATER |Top: Bergamot, Juniper Berries, Lemon, Pepper | Heart: Incense, Orris, Pine Needle…

Buckethead: top five

In my humble opinion, these are the three most iconic songs and the best live performances. If it’s even possible to narrow down his massive catalog of songs….

Hello world!

Eeeerm, hi, hello … well, eerm. A shy persion mumbling, stumbling over words, not being able to finish the sentence properly – trying to make conversation and obviously…