Heihei, my name is Lizy. I am a weird hybrid of mental coach, visual artists and marketing nerd. By creating a blog and taking random photographs – I am revealing my love for vegan food and loud music.
The list of ingredients is surprisingly clean. I wonder, how they are able to make this taste so good?Streichfett. A block of pure plant power. EAN/GTIN 5701977000097 available at DENN´s and other organic shops. I have seen those at Lidl too.
This is a proper substitute for butter, and I was surprised that this brand really tastes like that buttery on warm toasted bread. But don´t tell anyone, and you are not allowed to call it butter if it is made of plants. That´s what some lawyers decided to protect the decreasing market shares of the dairy industry.
Another option with great butter-like taste. It’s not my first choice, because of the plastic – but it could be useful when I’m traveling. EAN/GTIN 8719200233539 for the 225g pack. EAN/GTIN 8719200233591 in a bigger value package of 400g. Sadly, only sporadic availability at Kaufland, Rewe and sometimes Netto.