You need only six ingredients. One pack of firm, crumbly tofu around 200 g, two scallions aka green onion. And a teaspoon each of coconut oil, turmeric plus kala namak. The last one is a seasoning called ayurvedic black salt and provides that sulfurous, stinky aroma similar to eggs.

Take the soft tofu out of the packaging and drain the fluid. After that, break the tofu down into crumbly pieces onto a kitchen towel. Wrap it softly into the fabric kitchen towel to dry the tofu pieces, but only apply light pressure.
Then, put a big cast iron pan on medium heat and as soon it is warming up take a teaspoon of coconut oil and melt it. Then you add the tofu to the pan, but don’t move it around too much. Just let it sit in the hot pan and sprinkle with the flavor: a teaspoon of kalanamak and a teaspoon of turmeric.
In the meantime, clean and chop two green onions. As soon as, the scramble in the pan has built a nice golden crust, you can mix and turn it. Remove the pan from the stove and finish up the dish with spring onions on top.
I was surprised, that the taste and texture is extremely close to scrambled eggs
and how quick and easy this was to make. How about eating this with a glutenfree cracker?
half a cup | halbe Tasse = 100 ml
spoon | Löffel = 15 ml
teaspoon | Teelöffel = 5 ml
minispoon | Minilöffelchen = 1 ml