Really? Of course, it’s gonna be bland and boring … if you would actually eat a block of tofu just like it is. Use spices! Any spices you like, or just try this savory version.

The spices and dry ingredients are:
a generous teaspoon of sweet paprika powder
one spoon of buckwheat flour – or any kind of flour
one spoon of nutritional yeast – this is essential
a minispoon of salt – is enough, you don’t need more
And you need these, as the other components:
standard firm tofu – one pack, which is usually around 200 g
coconut oil – a big blob of it, for the frying pan

And here is a short instruction how to cook it. Unpack and quickly rinse the block of tofu with water. Break it down into small crumbles on a fresh kitchen towel and squeeze the liquid out. Set it aside.
Put all spices and dry ingredients into a bigger bowl and mix them together with a spoon.
A tip for a quick transfer: pick up the kitchen towel with the tofu and just let the tofu pieces tumble into the bowl. Then stir again, to combine the tofu crumbles with the spices.
Heat up a big pan on the stove, add the coconut oil to it and put in the tofu crumbles. Don’t move the tofu crumbles around – that’s important. Get the heat up till it’s sizzling, then turn off the stove and let the tofu in the pan sit for 10 minutes.
The secret to extra crispy crumbles is that you repeat this procedure, after carefully moving the crumbles around in the pan after the first roast. So, increase the heat a second time. When it is frying nicely, turn off the heat and let it be – for 10 minutes. Enjoy!
half a cup | halbe Tasse = 100 ml
spoon | Löffel = 15 ml
teaspoon | Teelöffel = 5 ml
minispoon | Minilöffelchen = 1 ml