No need for meat. This recipe for a homemade paste is both delicious and full of healthy plant protein. In Germany, it is common to spread a thin layer of butter on a slice of bread and then put the paté on top. Typically served with pickled vegetables or fresh cucumber. You can sprinkle chives, dill or spring onions on top of the bread.

#no-liver-pate #wurst-ohne-leber #ikke-hakkpøls #ikke-leverpostei

Meatless pate on bread with pickles on the side.
Paté in a rustic style. If you prefer a smooth texture, just mix it for longer time.

The ingredients are beans, tofu, oils and a lot of spices.

kidney beans 130 – 150 g
half of a smoked tofu 90 g – 100 g

coconut oil 15g
olive oil 15 g

crushed marjoram 1 spoon
black pepper 3 minispoons
smoked paprika 3 minispoons
salt 2 minispoons

Another secret ingredient is a tiny, tiny amount of allspice, which is
called Piment in German, pimienta gorda in Spanisch and allehånde in Norwegian.

Infusing the melted warm oil with the aromatics of all the spices.

Making fresh paté in just a few minutes

step 1: taking the beans out of the can and rinsing them with water

step2: weighing the oils into a small pot ant let it melt on low heat

step3: measure the spices and introduce them with the warm oils

step4: cut the tofu, put the pieces and the spicy oil into a big bowl

step5: shredding the tofu into crumbles with a hand blender

step6: add the beans and blend till your preferred consistency

Smoked tofu for this recipe has to look like this. Dense structured surface with visible indents of the rack and golden brown color from the smoking process.

half a cup | halbe Tasse = 100 ml
spoon | Löffel = 15 ml
teaspoon | Teelöffel = 5 ml
minispoon | Minilöffelchen = 1 ml