It’s not the worst approach to start with the obvious, even if that seems too basic. Just go with the part of SEO which is known by everybody: keyword stuffing. So let’s apply this common method of search engine optimization to an ecommerce project for the guitar player Buckethead – as an example. The following steps are my suggestions for initial, minimal search engine optimizing by using the main keywords #buckethead #store and supplementing the content with the additional words #merch and #official.

1. consider filenames, paths, pages or categories
Using both keywords in the domain address, like or is crucial. Next, I would recommend adding the filename for a logo as buckethead-store.gif plus a photo with the filename buckethead-official-store.jpg and don’t forget a matching short sentence as ALT text for those pictures. Then create pages or categories using these two words: buckethead to give background information about the artist, and store for an overview of new products.

2. polish the source code
Change the website title to »The direct way from BUCKETHEAD into your mailbox.« this is possible in the general settings for WordPress, as example. The following options are only available if you install the Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress.
Put the keyphrase »Your station for ? official merch ? and music ? by Buckethead ⏩ Fast forward to and get shirts, patches, sticker, signed cassettes and cd’s, original paintings and a lot more treats and trinkets.« in the meta description of the startpage to make the snippet appealing for people searching. And then implement a short combination like official-buckethead-merch as the slug for the index page.
3. streamline the content
The keyphrase in the headline H1 should be changed to »Your station for official merch and music by Buckethead« and it’s important to include this phrase or parts of it into the first longer paragraph of the main text.
Finally, keep the mobile first approach in mind and don’t forget to make your web project user-friendly. Create a place where fans like to hang out … enjoy browsing and shopping. You are writing primarily for human beings and then for the search engine. This is my simple method as a solid base for SEO, which can be quickly implemented and easily be refined later.
You are not sure about how to select keywords for your website? Here are my tricks for a quick SEO research here, which should be your first step.