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Buckethead: top five

In my humble opinion, these are the three most iconic songs and the best live performances. If it’s even possible to narrow down his massive catalog of songs….

Eating homemade popcorn, straight from the pot.

Selbstgemachtes Popcorn, direkt aus dem Topf. Schnell gemacht und schnell gegessen.

monolog while decluttering

Lizy: Oh, I just came across a stack of computer disks. It has been a while since I had those in my hands. Maybe I should discard them….

Spaghetti – no need for meat

At the weekend I have enough time for cooking proper meals and testing new recipes. [ Kochen und neue Rezepte ausprobieren – dafür habe ich leider nur am…

Facebook status: deleted. An attempt to minimize digital rubble.

Facebook Status: gelöscht. Ein Versuch die Menge an digitalem Schutt einzudämmen.

Hello world!

Eeeerm, hi, hello … well, eerm. A shy persion mumbling, stumbling over words, not being able to finish the sentence properly – trying to make conversation and obviously…