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sideritis scardica

Griechischer Bergtee. Ich mag den frischen, leicht zitronigen Geschmack und die Blütenstengel schauen im Glas einfach gut aus. | ad | annonse | anzeige |

PAINPAPERS – art by Lizy

PAIN PAPERS. MOMENTUM. BODY MATERIAL. 2006 | blood, ink, black and red pencil on paper|28 drawings 11,7 x 8,2 inch | SCHMERZENSSEITEN. IMPULS. KÖRPERMATERIAL. 2006 | Blut, Tusche,…

Are you feeling trapped? Stuck?

It´s easy to get wrapped in apathy, because a situation looks hopeless and getting up doesn´t seem to make any sense. It´s easy to get trapped in anger,…

Inspired by … 12 Monkeys

Seemed to be appropriate to watch during an ongoing virus pandemic. 12 Monkeys | Terry Gilliam | 1995 | inspired by Chris Marker’s 1962 short film La Jetée…

The same, as usual.

Efficiency. I can save a lot of time if I´m eating the same thing every day. Plus it provides this sweet, comfortable feeling that only a well established…

Contemplating shortcuts

Maybe there is a quicker path to get where you want to be. Maybe there is a hidden trail, that you didn’t think about. Maybe there is a…

SKULL – art by Lizy

SKULL Here and Now. Can you experience the moment. And in the hour of death. As a short glimpse. 2015 | reverse glass painting with earth pigments |…

packaging design 2015

Entwürfe für modernisierte Verpackungsgestaltung für Xlayer, eine Eigenmarke der Software Partner GmbH. Das Unternehmen aus Unterhaching bei München ist im Bereich Spechermedien aktiv und hat ihr eigenes Produktsortiment…

Inspired by … White Oleander

Because it is about L.A. Because it is showing women with different social backgrounds. Because there is art involved. Because there is a story about a strong friendship…

Marketing in IT and the technology business.

1. Tell me your view. What is so interesting about IT and the tech industry?Lizy: ›People, who work in those businesses, are forward-thinking and innovative. That’s what I…

The news? Turn off this noise!

I don´t have a TV. I don´t read the newspapers. Some might think I am not informed. Well, I am aware of the current situation and choose my…

Simply, wired in another way.

For me, being autistic doesn’t mean I am disabled. My nervous system is just working differently – meandering all over the place and laser focused at the same…

At times when nothings seems certain, anything is possible.

You can just sit there and wait till the crisis is over. Till everything is back to normal, which is not going to happen anyway. Pause, do nothing…

There is always someone, who is going to make profit.

Panic. Coronavirus. The big pandemic. Touring musicians are struggling. Art exhibitions are canceled. Covid-19 is causing tidal waves of terror. Everything is shut down. Amusement parks are empty….

steamed broccoli

Eating plant based is pretty simple: grab some broccoli, cut it into neat single florets, get some water in a big pot boiling, steam the broccoli for maximum…