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What do you need?

This question always hits me hard. I am not used to it. No one ever asked me this, when I was I child. I had to adapt to…

Give me the big hammer.

I am busy assembling furniture and this foto is proof. It´s kind of telling. Because who would be interested in taking pictures of a few random tools? Me,…

creating my new logo

Zeichnen, ausschneiden, sortieren, aufkleben, aussortieren, scannen. Nicht zufrieden sein mit der Qualität und das Projekt “neues Logo” erstmal vertagen. So schaut´s aktuell aus, weil ich mich ausbremsen lasse…

Why do you write this blog?

Amanda made me do it. She actually pushed me, but she was not the main cause. The thing is, most times I am not able to articulate myself…

celebrating with a movie

I don’t have any digital subscriptions, no Prime, no Premium, no Flix. So I had to wait a few months till the release of this DVD. But today…

big dreams

If you want something great, you´d better get used to change. This year I will focuse on my improvement as a daily practise. I know this is not…

too sensible

I have to cut all the labels off, really. If I buy clothes, the first thing I do at home is to remove all the tags. I can…

christmas waste

Cutting down trees for fun, more precisely for christmas, that´s not a nice ritual –that is my opinion. What is the hidden message in that? It´s ok to…

colma by Buckethead

A low-cost used CD is the christmas present I bought for myself this year. Turns out that I am slightly disappointed, because I am not as much into…

Routines are essential.

A rigorous system is necessary to provide a sense of security and to keep my chaos at bay. If I am too loose with my routines everything slides:…

Der Drang nach Schokolade.

Extra cremiger Smoothie: zwei kleine reife Bananen, eine Messerspitze Zimt (im Winter unverzichtbar) und dazu jeweils zwei gestrichene Esslöffel davon: reines, entöltes Kakaopulver, Buchweizenmehl und Erdnuss-Mus. Das ganze…

Know your preferences.

One-on-one is my prefered setting, if I am with people. Which means I don´t go to parties anymore and refuse to do group activities, because they are draining…

apple juice meditation

Being still and meditating is somehow different if you do it in yoga class. Shavasana is my favorite position. Joke. Meditation seems so boring and not very appealing…

The darkest night of the year

Literally and emotionally. It´s so f*cking cold here. Lighting a candle doesn´t help much. I am fighting the flu and orange juice feels like pure acid running down…

erschöpft und ausgelaugt

Depleted and exhausted. That´s a common side effect if you are a professional problem solver. You are always busy, working hard to find solutions? You take full resposibility…