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[ Manchmal sind es feine Nuancen, die große Entscheidungen beeinflussen. Die Frage ist, wie wähle ich die beste Option. Wie geh ich dabei vor? Daten sammeln und Fakten…

About adding too much pressure

Sheer willpower and pushing through are common tools used to getting closer to your goals. I don´t think it´s thaaat simple. Life is not linear. The harder you…

I am a being – just that. Seemingly not human enough at first glance.

Ein Wesen – mehr bin ich nicht. Scheinbar nicht menschlich genug, auf den ersten Blick.

clothes in navy blue

A quick thrift haul with an obvious color preference. [ Eine kleine Sammlung an Secondhandklamotten in der Farbe Navy-Blau. ] #secondhand | ad | annonse | anzeige |

Getting hooked on … Buckethead

Buckethead on guitar and Bryan Mantia on drums – this is it, this was the moment. I got hook on the super addictive music and art universe of…

Hello world!

Eeeerm, hi, hello … well, eerm. A shy persion mumbling, stumbling over words, not being able to finish the sentence properly – trying to make conversation and obviously…