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Die Sonne scheint. Die Blumen blüh´n. Ich lieb dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht.
A basic, simple web research is the first thing I do – because I need to know the field I am playing in and be aware of other…
In the years transitioning to a vegan diet, I was not a strict and I did treat myself with a piece of cheese or with some gummy sweets…
No stereotypes here. They are exceptional, they are pungent in a good that way. It starts with the name of this Finnish band, which I would translate to…
Since my focus is on eating healthier, there are sections in supermarket that I can skip completely. A lot of products just don´t fit my preference of plant…
After 99 days. I will continue, after reaching my goal. There had been a few times with serious lack of motivation, but overall it went good and sitting…
Rolled buckwheat flakes are a great substitute, in my case. I like oatmeal, but … I have digestive issues, and even the low amount of gluten in oats…
I wonder, how many years of training it will take … till my output is actually going to sound good. Right now, after practicing for a few months,…
What is a life without chocolate? Sometimes you just need to indulge or level up a simple breakfast muesli with chocolate pieces. Most dark chocolate products are basically…
Well, cornflakes are a good substitute if you are looking for glutenfree options – for example in your breakfast cereal mix. It´s sick, that most of the general…
After the first five drum lessions, it is now up to me to keep practising. Getting used to beats and trying to enhance speed without loosing precision. This…
Don´t you dare call this milk, because the dairy industry will come after you if you do. That´s how scared they are about loosing profits. Good. If you…
One main topic of last year continuous to spill over to this day: being able to handle uncertainty. Being acutely aware of “not knowing”. More precisely: Plans are…
A delicate cover of a classic milestone of the black metal genre. Her fragile aesthetic and ambience is a nice touch and the complete opposite approach than the…
writing and taking photos Since I am publishing on this blog for two years now, I am getting more and more clear about the topics, the vibe and…