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You can’t have sweets, if you eat vegan and glutenfree – that’s a common myth. It’s not true, you just have to dig deeper and read the fine…
“Breathe! This is the world. It’s not working. This is this earth.” It´s sad, that this song is so relevant – then and now. Does nothing ever change?…
Seemed to be appropriate to watch during an ongoing virus pandemic. 12 Monkeys | Terry Gilliam | 1995 | inspired by Chris Marker’s 1962 short film La Jetée…
1. Tell me your view. What is so interesting about IT and the tech industry?Lizy: ›People, who work in those businesses, are forward-thinking and innovative. That’s what I…
This question always hits me hard. I am not used to it. No one ever asked me this, when I was I child. I had to adapt to…
Zeichnen, ausschneiden, sortieren, aufkleben, aussortieren, scannen. Nicht zufrieden sein mit der Qualität und das Projekt “neues Logo” erstmal vertagen. So schaut´s aktuell aus, weil ich mich ausbremsen lasse…