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magazin design 2015

Usually, I don´t do free work samples. But this project was edgy and fun enough, to just play with it for a few days. I created the cover…

It´s really fine. I am fine. Peas are fine.

Usually, I am pretty good at pretending to be all right. But you are probably sensing, that life is NOT FINE right now. I am a tough little…

replace it with marzipan chocolate 4000417025005

You can’t have sweets, if you eat vegan and glutenfree – that’s a common myth. It’s not true, you just have to dig deeper and read the fine…

Inspired by … Ministry

“Breathe! This is the world. It’s not working. This is this earth.” It´s sad, that this song is so relevant – then and now. Does nothing ever change?…

PAINPAPERS – art by Lizy

PAIN PAPERS. MOMENTUM. BODY MATERIAL. 2006 | blood, ink, black and red pencil on paper|28 drawings 11,7 x 8,2 inch | SCHMERZENSSEITEN. IMPULS. KÖRPERMATERIAL. 2006 | Blut, Tusche,…

Inspired by … 12 Monkeys

Seemed to be appropriate to watch during an ongoing virus pandemic. 12 Monkeys | Terry Gilliam | 1995 | inspired by Chris Marker’s 1962 short film La Jetée…

SKULL – art by Lizy

SKULL Here and Now. Can you experience the moment. And in the hour of death. As a short glimpse. 2015 | reverse glass painting with earth pigments |…

packaging design 2015

Entwürfe für modernisierte Verpackungsgestaltung für Xlayer, eine Eigenmarke der Software Partner GmbH. Das Unternehmen aus Unterhaching bei München ist im Bereich Spechermedien aktiv und hat ihr eigenes Produktsortiment…

Marketing in IT and the technology business.

1. Tell me your view. What is so interesting about IT and the tech industry?Lizy: ›People, who work in those businesses, are forward-thinking and innovative. That’s what I…

salesfolder design 2011

Infobroschüren zur Kundengewinnung – für vier Service-Bereiche des IT-Unternehmens Steigauf Daten Systeme GmbH bei München. Konzeption, Bildauswahl, Text, Gestaltung, Projektmanagement; erstellt in 2011 bis 2013.

ground level

It is unlikely that someone is tearing down a house to build the exact same again. You are not going to build a duplicate. There will be improvements….

logo design 2013

Entwicklung einer Logoserie für das IZB in München, ein Gründerzentrum mit medizinischem Schwerpunkt. Inspiriert von Gebäudegrundriss, Zellstrukturen und Piktogrammen zur Orientierung; gestaltet in 2013.

What do you need?

This question always hits me hard. I am not used to it. No one ever asked me this, when I was I child. I had to adapt to…

Give me the big hammer.

I am busy assembling furniture and this foto is proof. It´s kind of telling. Because who would be interested in taking pictures of a few random tools? Me,…

creating my new logo

Zeichnen, ausschneiden, sortieren, aufkleben, aussortieren, scannen. Nicht zufrieden sein mit der Qualität und das Projekt “neues Logo” erstmal vertagen. So schaut´s aktuell aus, weil ich mich ausbremsen lasse…