Tag: alternative

Bitcoin: This is how I do my research.

Below is a short list of tools and sources, that I currently use to check out trends in the financial market and for background information about Bitcoin. If…

What is Bitcoin? How would you explain Bitcoin in simple words?

In short, I would say Bitcoin is digital money. And Bitcoin can be sent directly to someone over the internet without the need of a banking company. For…

Inspired by … Ministry

“Breathe! This is the world. It’s not working. This is this earth.” It´s sad, that this song is so relevant – then and now. Does nothing ever change?…

Please, don´t buy me gifts.

It´s christmas time again. I am not celebrating, I am not decorating and I am not giving gifts. These are a few green branches that I found outside…

I don´t need that sh*t

No drugs: I have never been interested in taking anything and I am too scared of a glitch effect. My brain is naturally messed up enough. No TV:…

Sich selbst belohnen.

[ Mit extravagantem Parfum zum Beispiel. ] Rewarding myself with samples of fancy parfum. GYPSY WATER |Top: Bergamot, Juniper Berries, Lemon, Pepper | Heart: Incense, Orris, Pine Needle…