Tag: autisticPage 1 of 2
For a few months, I did dwell on the idea of going to uni and study psychology. After doing my research and asking people about the details of…
Zur Abwechslung mal ein stimmiges Filmporträt über autistische Menschen. Als 20-minütiger Beitrag von Arte TV mit dem Titel: “Psycho – Ich, autistisch” Video bei Arte ansehen.
Celebrating first times is necessary, if you are focused on progress. Today, 25th November in 2021, was my premiere behind a drum kit. I am stoked. Yes. Yes….
Well, I did it. 100% right for all the answers. That’s what I am good at: stuffing technical terms and abbreviations like TF, URL, KD, HTML, IDF, SERP,…
Sometimes I just need to cancel out the noisy world around me. If you have to concentrate during work, it can help to put on the headphones and…
This question always hits me hard. I am not used to it. No one ever asked me this, when I was I child. I had to adapt to…
A rigorous system is necessary to provide a sense of security and to keep my chaos at bay. If I am too loose with my routines everything slides:…