Tag: autisticPage 1 of 2

It’s not for me: a few reasons why I decided against psychology

For a few months, I did dwell on the idea of going to uni and study psychology. After doing my research and asking people about the details of…

A brain forced into line.

Mass media is exactly this: a tool to control masses of people, to govern your decisions. You are supposed to think like everybody else. Keep on marching and…

Vitamin D3 – the essential vitamin directly linked to sunshine.

“While 8.3% and 19.3% of adults have a lacking vitamin D status in summer and autumn, the figures in spring and winter are respectively 38.4% and 52.0%.”Quoting the…

Autismus bedeutet, mein Gehirn tickt anders als deines.

Zur Abwechslung mal ein stimmiges Filmporträt über autistische Menschen. Als 20-minütiger Beitrag von Arte TV mit dem Titel: “Psycho – Ich, autistisch” Video bei Arte ansehen.

unusual and raw and sloppy

unusual // At this point, I already knew, that I am not normal. But at exactly this day in January 2019 it was very clearly shown to me:…

My first time.

Celebrating first times is necessary, if you are focused on progress. Today, 25th November in 2021, was my premiere behind a drum kit. I am stoked. Yes. Yes….

Dancing around with … Transilvanian Hunger by Darkthrone.

Well, I did it. 100% right for all the answers. That’s what I am good at: stuffing technical terms and abbreviations like TF, URL, KD, HTML, IDF, SERP,…

I am autistic and I suck at math.

Is that a contradiction? There is this myth that every autistic person, has to be in love with math and numbers. I strongly disagree. I think, this perception…

visual tool

Since I know my brain works great with pictures, creating visual tools have been very helpful. Just a simple structure for a new project. Seminar in 3 modules…

The benefits of white noise and ice sounds.

Sometimes I just need to cancel out the noisy world around me. If you have to concentrate during work, it can help to put on the headphones and…

It´s really fine. I am fine. Peas are fine.

Usually, I am pretty good at pretending to be all right. But you are probably sensing, that life is NOT FINE right now. I am a tough little…

What do you need?

This question always hits me hard. I am not used to it. No one ever asked me this, when I was I child. I had to adapt to…

Give me the big hammer.

I am busy assembling furniture and this foto is proof. It´s kind of telling. Because who would be interested in taking pictures of a few random tools? Me,…

Routines are essential.

A rigorous system is necessary to provide a sense of security and to keep my chaos at bay. If I am too loose with my routines everything slides:…

There are only two states:

Highly obsessive or not interested at all.