Tag: cd

Inspired by … Moon.

It’s no wonder I am imprinted by this extra-terrestrial soundtrack. I did not count how many times I have seen the movie Moon, directed by Duncan Jones. At…

Inspired by … Gotan Project.

The term › electro-tango ‹ is often used to categorize their music, as it combines the rythm and – of course the passion – of tango with the…

Inspired by … Back to black.

There is this clash of her rich voice and raw talent, which makes this timeless masterpiece so compelling. It’s like passing an accident while on the road: you…

Inspired by … Dead Can Dance.

A classic piece of music that never gets old. At the time this record was released, my access to music was very limited. The world wide web didn’t…

Inspired by … Windir.

Hell, yes! If a song works as a low-res version in 8-bit midi … is that proof enough that it is an amazing piece of music? The album…

Inspired by … Oranssi Pazuzu

No stereotypes here. They are exceptional, they are pungent in a good that way. It starts with the name of this Finnish band, which I would translate to…