Tag: minimalPage 3 of 4

A song called ›Simple Treasures‹

A simple, sweet melody on acoustic guitar … called ›Simple Treasures‹. #buckethead #simpletreasures | ad | annonse | anzeige

radish on bread

Little red radish and a plantbased spread on glutenfree bread made in pumpernickel style are main elements of this simple snack. Assemble and cut into neat decorative bits-…

basic dough recipe – vegan, glutenfree and actually yummmm

up to three cups of soy milk (250 g) luke warm is good for the yeasta teaspoon of sugar (5 ml) to get the yeast fungi started half…

Downsizing and streamlining.

Imagine, you are in a shop and you found a nice blanket. There are two sizes available, and you don’t know which one to buy. You are probably…

It´s late autumn. Grapes are in season. I am eating grapes. Poetry.

Stop buying flowers. Can you live without flowers?

It looks like autumn is here. I got these sunflowers from a farmer nearby. They have those little patches on the field, where you can cut your own…

Just cut and eat: summer salad.

Half a cucumber, a big tomato, a small red onion, green olives – all cut into similar size particles. No dressing is necessary in this case, but you…


Let it happen! Stop trying to command the mysteries of life. Let it flow naturally. Neither force, nor control. Your life is going to enfold in ways that…

so easy and sooooo good

Fill a big bowl with freshly cooked and still warm basmati rice. Mix in chopped tomato and avocado. Eat.


OM [ Der Klang und Schwingung des Universums, in ursprünglicher Gestalt ] MANI PEME [ Die Kostbarkeit der reinen und perfekt geformten Lotusblüte ] HUNG [ Der Wunsch…

The same, as usual.

Efficiency. I can save a lot of time if I´m eating the same thing every day. Plus it provides this sweet, comfortable feeling that only a well established…

a quick note about minimalism

If you own four chairs and only sit on two of them on a daily basis …you could give away the two chairs, that are standing in the…

decluttering Horror DVD´s

This is the second round of reducing my movie collection. I have given away a big pile a few years ago. The DVDs in this box, are ready…

christmas waste

Cutting down trees for fun, more precisely for christmas, that´s not a nice ritual –that is my opinion. What is the hidden message in that? It´s ok to…

apple juice meditation

Being still and meditating is somehow different if you do it in yoga class. Shavasana is my favorite position. Joke. Meditation seems so boring and not very appealing…