Heihei, my name is Lizy. I am a weird hybrid of mental coach, visual artists and marketing nerd. By creating a blog and taking random photographs – I am revealing my love for vegan food and loud music.
For this quick breakfast dish you need only these five ingredients: a banana, one orange, a small red apple, half a cup of buckwheat flakes and around 125…
You need only six ingredients. One pack of firm, crumbly tofu around 200 g, two scallions aka green onion. And a teaspoon each of coconut oil, turmeric plus…
Being still and meditating is somehow different if you do it in yoga class. Shavasana is my favorite position. Joke. Meditation seems so boring and not very appealing…
Ein schnelles Reisgericht aus einem Topf. Inspiriert vom Original aus Spanien, aber im Endresultat gänzlich un-spanisch. Denn diese Variante ist ohne Fleisch oder Fisch und kommt mit weniger…
At the weekend I have enough time for cooking proper meals and testing new recipes. [ Kochen und neue Rezepte ausprobieren – dafür habe ich leider nur am…